A Comprehensive Guide to

Graph Algorithms in Neo4j

Download this ebook: The definitive guide to graph algorithms to help you gain a competitive edge.

An Ebook for Product Managers, Engineers & Data Scientists

Graph algorithms are the key to gaining powerful insights from connected data.

Any organization today – from research labs to retail chains – that more finely leverages graph analytics arrives faster at extracting valuable insights from huge, complex volumes of data.

This all-inclusive, extensive ebook on graph algorithms was written in two parts:

  • Part I: For product managers and solution owners
    This section provides an overview of graph algorithms and their uses, while also illustrating their relevance in the modern big data landscape.

  • Part II: For engineers and data scientists with Neo4j experience
    The bulk of this book is written as a practical, detailed guide for using graph algorithms with a quick reference table, use cases and example code.

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Languages & formats available:
  • English (US) [PDF]
  • English (A4) [PDF]

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