Neo4j Licensing: Which Edition is Right for You? [Video]

Rik Van Bruggen

Regional VP & Neo4j Advocate

Watch this webinar on Neo4j licensing to find out which version would most benefit your enterprise.
Neo4j has long been recognized as the world’s leading graph database, and it is rapidly expanding as a true platform for enterprise graph applications.

Watch this webinar on Neo4j licensing to find out which version would most benefit your enterprise.

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Now is a better time than ever to explore which version of Neo4j you should be using, especially considering the product features and services you want to benefit from.

In this webinar, we walk through the different versions of Neo4j, discuss and show their remits, and present alternative licensing options, such as open source and commercial licensing.

Specifically, we explore the free open source, free commercial (for individuals, startups and academics) and paid commercial options. We also answer any questions from those who attended this webinar live.

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