1 Year Anniversary: Webinars, Demos, Connections – Oh My!

Senior Manager, Global Marketing Programs
5 min read

Where does the time go?! It was just about a year ago when I wrote my first blog showcasing our digital events including Connections, Webinars, and Live Demos. Since then we’ve hosted 17 Connections events, 51 webinars, and almost 100 live demos. Phew! That’s a lot of welcome speeches I’ve given!
In my inaugural blog, I focused on fan favorites and highlighted a couple of the webinars we had recently hosted with the highest registration numbers – which just so happened to be webinars that featured two of our most popular books – Graph Databases For Dummies and Graph Data Science For Dummies. For this issue, I thought I’d do a round-up of highlights from each of our digital event categories.
Neo4j Connections: Graphs4Good

Let’s start with Connections. In case you missed it, our May Connections event focused on Graphs4Good – Building a Better World with Connected Data. This topic is something near and dear to my heart and I was honored to be a part of sharing the incredible work that’s being done around the globe – all leveraging graph technology. At this half-day virtual event, the agenda included presentations on how graphs are used in investigative journalism, medical research, space junk monitoring, and more!
On the webinar front, there are so many to choose from since the start of the year! But for this issue, I’m focusing on some of our product webinars to highlight the continual innovation and advancements our incredible engineering team work so tirelessly to bring to the table.
Introducing Neo4j 4.4: The Fastest Path to Graph Database Productivity
Original broadcast date: January 11, 2022

In this 45-minute session you’ll hear what’s new with Neo4j’s latest and greatest version – Neo4j 4.4 – and how it adds a massive gain in data processing while reducing memory requirements when importing very large datasets, as well as:
- Zero downtime for database upgrades
- Cloud-native APIs for faster development, without middleware or the use of language drivers
- Single sign-on (SSO) for easy authentication with cloud-based identity providers
Neo4j Bloom 2.0: The Fastest Path to Graph Data Visualization
Original broadcast date: January 13, 2022

Graph data visualization is critical to getting the most out of your Neo4j graphs. It empowers developers to prototype quickly and enables data scientists to follow their intuition as they explore interesting patterns and algorithm results.
Neo4j Bloom streamlines conversations and projects across teams with its illustrative, codeless search-to-storyboard design. In this 45-minute session, you’ll learn about Bloom and how you can start exploring your data to:
- Uncover the value of data relationships by exploring hidden paths between nodes of interest.
- Connect entities such as people, activities, locations, and other objects in the graph.
- Illustrate context and complex results through an intuitive user interface.
Graph Data Science 2.0 – What’s New in Graph Data Science: Faster and Easier Than Before
Original broadcast date: April 26, 2022

Neo4j Graph Data Science is a powerful platform, purpose-built to extract meaning from data relationships to answer business-critical questions. Join us for a 45-minute webinar to learn about our latest release, now available fully managed, first on Google Cloud Platform. Our best-in-class experience for users includes features like:
- Native Python Client to integrate into your existing workflows
- New AutoML Capabilities for graph-native machine learning
- Enterprise Robustness with graph backup and restore, plus cluster compatibility
- Ecosystem Integration via connectors for Spark, Dataiku, Knime, and others
- Data Science as a Service to give you the power of Graph Data Science with none of the hassle
Live Demos
When Neo4j started offering live demos, we had one topic – Key Features. In 2020, we added a second topic, in 2021, we added a couple more – fast forward to 2022…our live demo line-up features eight different topics! We have Key Features, Supply Chain, Fraud Detection, Knowledge Graphs, Graph Data Science & Machine Learning, and more!
These short, 30-minute events give you a close-up look at Neo4j use cases and are scheduled for every Wednesday and Friday at 10:00 a.m. PT / 1:00 p.m. ET. You can check out the topics and brief descriptions below. Visit the Live Demos page for the current schedule and to register for one, or several, today!
Neo4j Live Demo: Graphs for Intelligent Applications
Learn how graphs extract data to help fuel transformation in nearly every field, from financial services and retail to life sciences and telecommunications.
Neo4j Live Demo: Neo4j AuraDB Graph Database as a Service
Find out how to use graphs in the cloud to unlock use cases that are impossible to achieve with other technologies.
Neo4j Live Demo: Key Features
Join us for an introduction to the graph data platform. Our experts walk you through a StackOverflow example, extracting questions, answers, tags, and comments, and the relationships between them.
Neo4j Live Demo: Graphs for Fraud Detection
Discover how Neo4j is used for fraud detection by uncovering patterns that would be invisible within a relational database.
Neo4j Live Demo: Supply Chain
Attend this demo and you’ll learn to perform real-time analytics on large datasets to optimize routes for delivery and fulfillment using graph techniques.
Neo4j Live Demo: Knowledge Graphs for Skills Discovery
A knowledge graph drives intelligence into your data. Join us for this live demo on how to use knowledge graphs to find hidden talent at your organization.
Neo4j Live Demo: Graph Data Science and Machine Learning
Thinking about incorporating relationships into your data to improve machine learning? Join this demo to learn how graph data science will turbocharge your predictive capabilities.
Neo4j Live Demo: Graph Recommendation Systems
Real-time recommendation engines are key to the success of any online business. In this demo, you’ll learn how to build a recommendation engine using graph data science techniques.
And that’s a wrap. Thanks for reading/watching! If you have any questions or suggestions for topics for future digital events, send me an email at webinar@neo4j.com. Have a great day!