Win Big with Neo4j Code Golf – A Cypher Coding Contest

Senior Director of Product Marketing
3 min read

Submit Cypher queries that are shorter in length and lower on database hits while still returning the correct query results to win $27k worth of prizes.
Do you love coding effectively and optimizing codes for performance? Look no further and join the Neo4j Code Golf contest – a Cypher coding contest for developers to showcase their coding prowess and earn bragging rights amongst their peers.

Wear Your Golf Hats and Start Swinging Now!
If you’re a professional, aspiring developer working in the field of application development, databases, graphs, artificial intelligence (AI), full-stack, or you’re someone who is passionate about technology, Neo4j is excited to offer you an opportunity to showcase your Cypher coding skills.
Introducing Neo4j Code Golf – a gamified, leaderboard-based programming competition where the goal is to write the shortest Cypher query with the lowest database hits that solves a given problem.
Neo4j Code Golf is perfect for developers who are looking to hone their skills and improve their code efficiency. The contest features three different problems that must be solved using Neo4j, a graph database. The Neo4j Code Golf Contest is open to everyone, and we are sure that you all will find a challenge that’s right for you. So what are you waiting for? Show the world what you’re made of and register for the Neo4j Code Golf Contest today!

The contest gives you a chance to win $27,000 worth of prizes (in total) across all levels. Also, you get to feature in the developer newsletter and showcase your skills to all developers across the globe. You can sign up for Beginner, Immediate, or Advanced categories and submit as many entries as you like in this Code-Golf challenge. And yes, you do not need to be a golfer to participate. Open to individual participants only. No entry fee is required.
Check out the rules and terms & conditions of the Neo4j Code Golf contest, and register right away!
Contest Timeline
The Neo4j Code Golf Contest is now open for registrations. Submissions will be accepted starting the June 30, 2022 until the contest closes on September 15, 20’22.

The Challenge
It’s simple. First and foremost, to participate in the Neo4j Code Golf contest, you must register at devpost, and then go to the Neo4j code-golf platform to participate, preferably using the same login as devpost for easier leaderboard management. The code-golf platform is fully automated, and you must write short Cypher queries based on the question to reduce the time and resources the query takes, eventually leading to a faster and more efficient query.
By writing shorter queries (in length) and achieving as few database hits as possible with the Cypher queries the higher you are placed on the leaderboard. So a score of db_hits 10 will get placed higher compared to a score of 100 – simple. In case of a tie, the shorter query length shall determine the winner and higher ranking.
The Cypher queries you would be submitting via the Neo4j Code Golf Platform are judged automatically by the platform on the following parameters:
- All the weight (100%) is for ensuring lower db_hits for the query are achieved
- In case the db_hits are similar in the score, the shorter, smarter Cypher queries will be a winner

Neo4j Code Golf Contest Criteria
Qualifying Criteria
All entries must be submitted by September 15, 2022 to be eligible for consideration. Contest entrants must submit short Cypher queries with low db_hits to win the contest. Given the platform is automated and leaderboard based, every contestant can see their position in real-time on the leaderboard.
Please submit your queries using the code-golf platform built by Neo4j.
Dataset Used and Data Model for Challenge
Stackoverflow data models: 55M nodes, 123M rels
- Tag, Question:Post, Answer:Post, User
- (:User)-[:POSTED]->(:Post), (Tag)-[:SIMILAR]->(Tag)
- (:Question)-[:TAGGED]->(:Tag)
- (:Question)-[:ACCEPTED]->(:Answer), (:Question)<-[:ANSWERED]-(:Answer)

Get Started
Did you know? Our previous winners did not have Neo4j or Cypher experience – they used similar hackathons as an opportunity to learn. It was practicality, quick learning, and logical reasoning that got them winning, not just developer skills.
This contest is a great opportunity to learn all about graph databases, Cypher, and to think big about solving the most complex challenges in the world with Neo4j.
You are not alone when you start coding and submit the Cypher queries to win the contest. You will have access to:
- Neo4j GraphAcademy Course on Cypher Fundamentals
- Access to experts within Neo4j via Discord (#hackathon), as well as in the community to answer questions when you need help.
- Access to Cypher manual and Cypher cheat sheet to sharpen your query skills.

The winners of the Neo4j Code Golf Contest (only individual submissions) in the contest will respectively receive:
Beginner Level (Six Prizes): $9K in total
- Winner: $4000
- First Runner Up: $2500
- Second Runner Up: $1000
- Fourth Place: $500
- Fifth Place: $500
- Sixth Place: $500
Intermediate Level (Six Prizes): $9K in total
- Winner: $4000
- First Runner Up: $2500
- Second Runner Up: $1000
- Fourth Place: $500
- Fifth Place: $500
- Sixth Place: $500
Advanced Level (Six Prizes): $9K in total
- Winner: $4000
- First Runner Up: $2500
- Second Runner Up: $1000
- Fourth Place: $500
- Fifth Place: $500
- Sixth Place: $500
Note: The prize does not include taxes the winner may incur.
We hope the contest motivates you to get started today. Good luck!