Prepare the Neo4j GDS environment

This feature is experimental and not ready for use in production. It is only available as part of an Early Access Program, and can go under breaking changes until general availability.

Graph Data Science for BigQuery requires an AuraDS or a self-managed GDS environment.

Create an AuraDS instance

Head to Neo4j Aura Console and either login with your existing credentials or sign-up as a new user.

  1. Select AuraDS on the left navigation menu, and click New Instance button.

    Aura Console home page
    Figure 1. Aura Console home page
  2. Enter details for your new instance and provide the sizing information along with your selection of use cases.

    New AuraDS instance page
    Figure 2. New AuraDS instance page

Recommended AuraDS instance size is "pick a memory size 3x larger than the expected graph projection size".

Create a self-managed GDS environment

Getting a self-managed GDS environment up and running is outside the scope of this manual. Refer to Neo4j Graph Data Science Installation for further instructions.