Release Date: 1 January 1970

Aura May 2024 (Neo4j 5.20) 


The following core Neo4j features are now available for users in Aura.
  • Language and Graph Model
  • Add a new deprecatedBy column to SHOW PROCEDURES and SHOW FUNCTION to show if a procedure/function has a replacement when it has been deprecated.
  • It is now possible to reference variables from within a Quantified Path Pattern (QPP) that are not defined directly inside the QPP.   For example:
MATCH ((a)--(b) WHERE a.h >x.h)*(s)-->(u)

To use  x as a predicate, it is no longer necessary for it to have been previously defined; so this query can now be rewritten as:

MATCH (x)-->(y)((a)-[e]->(b) WHERE a.h > x.h)*
  • To further comply with the GQL specification, we have extended the existing trim(), ltrim() and rtrim() functions to optionally allow the specification of which characters to trim, as well as the addition of a btrim() function which trims both ends of a string.   For example, RETURN BTRIM(‘xyzzyNeo4jzyx’, ‘xyz’) returns ‘Neo4j’.  For details, please refer to the String function – Cypher manual.
  • This release deprecates property references that depend on the order of evaluation within a MERGE clause, for example: 
MERGE (a {prop:'p'})-[:T]->(b {prop:a.prop}). 

The following is still allowed: 

MATCH (a {prop:'p'})
MERGE (b {prop:a.prop}).