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Now Serving Startups with Neo4j AuraDB

The easiest and fastest way to build modern applications in the cloud.

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What is Neo4j AuraDB?

Our fully managed cloud service is designed with startups in mind.

Neo4j AuraDB maintains the speed, scalability, flexibility, and reliability of our graph database but is completely automated as a cloud service. The benefits to you and your startup team?

The Best Option for Startups

In a startup environment, you need to keep your brightest minds focused on the task at hand: building amazing applications.

Neo4j AuraDB is a totally automated graph database as a cloud service, meaning no one on your team is spending critical time managing a database. Likewise, as your business grows, AuraDB scales right along with you via flexible and predictable pricing options.

View Pricing

Ready to put the focus on your strengths and stop spending time and money managing the databases?

Join the 300+ startups who have already chosen AuraDB.

Start Free

Use AuraDB and avoid overhead costs
of self-hosted deployment

  Neo4j AuraDB Self-hosted Neo4j
Managed service cost Starts FREE None
Hosting costs No extra cost Extra cost
Hardware costs No extra cost Extra cost
DBMS management No extra cost Extra cost
Configuration, Maintenance, and Upgrade Efforts No extra cost Extra cost

The Startup Self-hosted Neo4j Option

If AuraDB doesn't work for you, we'd like to offer you the opportunity to use Neo4j Enterprise with no software costs. To be considered for a free Neo4j Enterprise license, please send an email to startups@neo4j.com and share with us why AuraDB doesn't or won't work for you.

Once we've received your email and had a chance to review it, including your reasons for not choosing to use AuraDB for now, we'll send you a startup application to fill out in addition to the program-qualifying criteria. We look forward to seeing what you build!