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Watch Aseem Kishore's Presentation on Advanced Read and Write Queries with Neo4j at FiftyThree

Advanced Neo4j at FiftyThree: Reading, Writing & Scaling – Oh My!

Editor’s Note: Last October at GraphConnect San Francisco, Asseem Kishore – Engineering Lead at FiftyThree – delivered this presentation on advanced read and write queries in Neo4j. For more videos from GraphConnect SF and GraphConnect Europe, check out... read more

Catch This Week’s 5-Minute Interview with Kent Lovestjärna, Digital Media Manager at Hästens

The 5-Minute Interview: Kent Lovestjärna, Digital Media Manager at Hästens

For this week's 5-Minute Interview, I caught up with Kent Lovestjärna, the Digital Media Manager at Hästens Sängar in Köping, Sweden. I chatted at Kent while we were at GraphConnect Europe. Here's what we discussed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByLA5PbNdvg Q: Talk to me about... read more

Learn All about the New Neo4j Knowledge Base (and How You Can Contribute) to Answer Common Questions

Answering All Your Questions: The Neo4j Knowledge Base

As more and more people discover the joy and the power of using Neo4j, we naturally find that we get more of the same questions and issues popping up. Some questions require updates and improvements to the documentation (check out our new documentation, by the way). Some things, however,... read more

Learn How to Rewrite a UNION Cypher Query Using COLLECT and UNWIND Clauses

Cypher: How to Rewrite a UNION Query Using a COLLECT Clause

Cypher is a declarative query language created for querying Neo4j's graph data. In Cypher, as in SQL, queries are built up using various clauses. One such clause is the UNION clause that we will discuss in this post. The UNION clause is used to combine the similarly structured results of... read more

Learn How to Stop Fraud Rings in Real Time with the Power of Graph Database Technology

Stop Fraud Rings in Their Tracks with Graph Databases [Infographic]

Fraud rings are big business. First-party bank fraud costs banks (and their customers) over $16 billion each year in the United States, and insurance fraud costs nearly $80 billion annually. And fraud rings organized around ecommerce fraud rack up nearly $4 billion in fraudulent charges each... read more

Explore All of the Great Articles & Blog Posts Created by the Neo4j Community in April 2016

From the Neo4j Community: April 2016

Every year around GraphConnect, the Neo4j community shows off how awesome they are with even more and better content than usual. April 2016 was no exception, especially in light of the Neo4j 3.0 announcement and the ongoing Panama Papers coverage. Missed GraphConnect Europe this year? You can... read more