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Learn How the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists Used Neo4j to Unravel the Panama Papers

How the ICIJ Used Neo4j to Unravel the Panama Papers

Editor’s note: The recently revealed Paradise Papers investigation used Neo4j as a key technology to find connections in leaked data. In this blog post from last year, the ICIJ’s Mar Cabra talks about the similar investigation into the Panama Papers and how Neo4j was used in that effort. I... read more

Learn How the Game Discovery Web App Uses Neo4j in Its Recommendation Algorithm

Game Discovery: A Recommendation Algorithm for Video Games [Community Post]

Movie recommendation systems usually ask you to rate what you like or dislike so it can bring you recommendations from other users with similar tastes. Modern applications like Netflix improve upon this approach by adding the movie characteristics in their algorithms. But recommendation systems... read more

Watch Clark Richey’s Presentation on His Database Decision Path that Led FactGem to Neo4j

From Good to Graph: Choosing the Right Database

Editor’s Note: Last October at GraphConnect San Francisco, Clark Richey – Chief Technology Officer at FactGem – delivered this presentation on his database decision path toward Neo4j. For more videos from GraphConnect SF and GraphConnect Europe, check out... read more

Explore All of the Great Articles & Blog Posts Created by the Neo4j Community in March 2016

From the Neo4j Community: March 2016

Whew! With GraphConnect Europe now behind us, it's time to look at all of the wonderful content published by the Neo4j community in the month of March before the Neo4j 3.0 announcement and Panama Papers coverage eclipsed everything else. If you would like to see your post featured in May's... read more

Catch This Week’s 5-Minute Interview with Ian Sinnott, Senior Software Engineer at TruSTAR Technology

The 5-Minute Interview: Ian Sinnott, Senior Software Engineer at TruSTAR

For this week's 5-Minute Interview, I chatted with Ian Sinnott, Senior Software Engineer at TruSTAR Technology in San Francisco. Here's what we talked about: Q: Talk to me about how you guys use Neo4j at TruSTAR. Ian Sinnott: TruSTAR’s whole mission statement and goal is to let... read more

Learn How to Create a Graph Visualization of the Universe Using Neo4j 3.0

Neo4j 3.0 and the Graph of the Universe

The Cosmic Web Paper by the Barabasi Lab After I came across this tweet the other night, Turns out the universe is just a very big graph database: https://t.co/tKkTLnNpqK pic.twitter.com/hh4s5pKWPI— David J Carr (@djc1805) April 22, 2016 I checked out the original website of Cosmic... read more