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Watch as the Neo4j 3.0 Release Is Explained in This 5-Minute Video

Neo4j 3.0 Explained in Just 5 Minutes

If a picture can speak 1,000 words, a five-minute video can speak 8,991,000 words (1,000 * 29.97 * 60 * 5). That's powerful! In this short video, we review the key features of Neo4j 3.0. As the first release in the 3.x series, Neo4j 3.0 is based on a completely redesigned architecture and a... read more

Learn All about the Official Release of Neo4j 3.0, including Scale, Productivity and Deployment

Official Release: 3 Essentials of Neo4j 3.0, from Scale to Productivity & Deployment

Today, the Neo4j team is proud to announce the release of Neo4j 3.0.0. As the first release in the 3.x series, Neo4j 3.0 is based on a completely redesigned architecture and a commitment to offer the world's most scalable graph database, greater developer productivity and a wide range of... read more

Learn Why Your Technical Documentation Should Be in the Form of a Knowledge Graph

Your Technical Documentation Should Be a Graph: Here’s Why

TL;DR: This blog post is mainly about how technical documentation should ideally be structured: as a graph (not to be confused with a chart). As a software developer and author I have had the chance (and also the obligation) to write about software from many different perspectives and in even... read more

Learn How the Veneto Banca Team Uses Neo4j to Manage a Multi-Channel Architecture of Microservices

How We Use Neo4j to Manage Microservices at Veneto Banca

Thinking, designing and implementing an enterprise multi-channel architecture and platform is a challenging opportunity. For the last couple of years we’ve been involved in this huge project at Veneto Banca, and our mission was the innovation of the bank’s information technology system from... read more

Learn How Schleich Used Structr (and Neo4j) for Effective Semantic Product Management

Semantic Product Management at Schleich, or Why Flexibility Makes the Difference

After a recent presentation, I was asked "What can you do with Structr that you can't with other software?" As we were short on time, I just replied with "You can do anything, but in much less time." I wish I'd have had more time for a more thorough response like what I'll detail below. In... read more

Learn How to Simplify Commodity Flows in This Sample Application Using Tom Sawyer Perspectives

Simplifying Commodity Flows with Tom Sawyer Perspectives

Figure 1. Commodity Flow Visualization Grouped by U.S. State What Does It Show? This graph and data visualization application is created with Tom Sawyer Perspectives. It displays information pulled from a subset of data from the United States Census Bureau, and was imported into a Neo4j... read more