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Catch This Week’s 5-Minute Interview with Aseem Kishore of FiftyThree

The 5-Minute Interview: Aseem Kishore, FiftyThree

This week’s 5-minute interview is with Aseem Kishore. Aseem is the Web Engineering Lead at FiftyThree, the makers of the popular iOS app, Paper. I sat down to chat with Aseem at GraphConnect San Francisco. Q: Talk to me about how Paper uses Neo4j. Aseem: Paper is an app for capturing your... read more

Watch Dr. Mahesh Chaudhari’s Presentation on Integrating Healthcare Data using MongoDB and Neo4j

Integrating Diverse Healthcare Data using MongoDB and Neo4j

Editor’s Note: Last October at GraphConnect San Francisco, Dr. Mahesh Chaudhari – Chief Architect at Zephyr Health – delivered this presentation on how to integrate diverse healthcare data using MongoDB and Neo4j. For more videos from GraphConnect SF and to register for GraphConnect... read more

Explore the Great Articles, Blog Posts, and Videos Created by the Neo4j Community in December 2015

From the Neo4j Community: December 2015

The Neo4j community ended 2015 with a bunch of great articles, videos, presentations and new projects. Collectively, you published some great pieces on Ruby, .NET, Spring Data Neo4j, Star Wars, beer...and diapers. Below are some of our favorite pieces from our outstanding Neo4j community members... read more

Learn How Graph Database Technology Stops E-commerce Fraud in Real Time

How Graph Databases Stop E-commerce Fraud in Real Time

As our lives become increasingly digital, a growing number of financial transactions are conducted online. Fraudsters have been quick to adapt to this trend, and to devise clever ways to defraud online payment systems. While this type of activity can and does involve criminal fraud rings, a... read more

Catch This Week’s 5-Minute Interview with Scott David of the World Economic Forum

The 5-Minute Interview: Scott David, World Economic Forum

This week’s 5-minute interview is with Scott David, the Director of Information Interaction at the World Economic Forum. I caught up with Scott David for a video interview at GraphConnect San Francisco. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO1UHr-lzzw Q: Please tell us a little bit about... read more