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Learn How to Leverage of Non-Text Discovery by using the ConceptNet Dataset within Neo4j

Non-Text Discovery with ConceptNet as a Neo4j Database [Community Post]

The Problem of Discovery Discovery, especially non-text discovery, is hard. When looking for a cool T-shirt, for example, I might not know exactly what I want, only that I’m looking for a gift T-shirt that’s a little mathy that emphasizes my friend’s love of nature. As a... read more

Watch Bastani & Long Present on Polyglot Persistence for Microservices with Spring Cloud and Neo4j

Polyglot Persistence for Microservices Using Spring Cloud and Neo4j

Editor’s Note: Last October at GraphConnect San Francisco, Kenny Bastani and Josh Long — Spring Developer Advocates at Pivotal — delivered this presentation on polyglot persistence for microservices using Spring Cloud and Neo4j. For more videos from GraphConnect SF and to register for... read more

Learn about the First-Ever Neo4j Certification Now Available to Graph Database Professionals

Announcing the First-Ever Neo4j Certification for Professionals

With the strong growth of deployments of Neo4j by enterprise customers and users in all industries, we’ve been asked time and again to provide a certification mechanism that allows Neo4j experts to prove their expertise. In today's job market, NoSQL database and data analysis skills are highly... read more

Discover the Power of Graph Databases in Improving Insurance Fraud Detection

Catching Insurance Fraud Using Graph Database Technology

The impact of fraud on the insurance industry is estimated to be $80 billion annually in the US, a number that has been growing in recent years. From 2010 to 2012, questionable claims in the U.S. jumped 27 percent, to 116,171 claims in 2012, nearly half resulting from faked or exaggerated injury... read more

Discover the Schedule for the Graph Processing Room at FOSDEM 2016

Join Us for a Full Day of Graphs at FOSDEM 2016

The FOSDEM open source conference is the largest (5000+) gathering of users and developers of open source projects in Europe. Happening annually in Brussels, Belgium it has been home of the Graph Processing devroom for the last five years. Every year, we have had a packed room with exciting... read more

Learn about Three Major Graph Database Technology Trends to Watch out for in 2016

3 Major Graph Database Technology Trends to Watch in 2016 [Community Post]

In a recent article on Forbes, Neo Technology CEO Emil Eifrem shared his predictions for the graph database space in 2016. If you haven’t read them already, the article is definitely worth a read. We were inspired by Emil’s predictions and gathered our thoughts on trends we see will... read more