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Learn All about the Neo4j Winter GraphGist Challenge and Enter to Win Great Swag and Prizes

The Neo4j GraphGist Challenge: May the Graph Be with You

The Neo4j Winter GraphGist Challenge has officially begun! This year’s mission includes more categories, bigger prizes and new judges, so whether you’re a GraphGist veteran or a brand-new graphista, there is something for everyone to enjoy. The... read more

Learn How Walmart Used Neo4j to Achieve Sustainable Competitive Advantage via Recommendations

How Walmart Uses Neo4j for Retail Competitive Advantage

In a little over 50 years, Walmart grew from a small, family-owned business to become the world’s largest public corporation, with over 2 million employees and annual revenues of $470 billion. But Walmart didn’t just become the world’s largest retailer by chance. Rather, they understood... read more

Learn More about the Identity and Access Management Use Case of Graph Databases in the Enterprise

The 5-Minute Interview: Derek Small, Founder & CEO of Nulli

For this week’s 5-minute interview, I sat down with Derek Small, the Founder and CEO of Nulli Identity Solution Architects, at GraphConnect San Francisco to discuss how they use Neo4j within identity management. Q: How do you guys use Neo4j at Nulli? Derek: Well, currently we’re using it... read more

Explore All of the Great Articles & Blog Posts Created by the Neo4j Community in November 2015

From the Neo4j Community: November 2015

This past November has shown us why we’re so thankful for the Neo4j community. We’re especially grateful to all of you who published great articles about your projects, libraries and integrations with Neo4j on everything from Ruby on Rails and Meteor.js to openCypher and Apache... read more

Learn How Gamesys Used Neo4j to Achieve Competitive Advantage by Tracking Player Relationships

How Gamesys Harnessed Neo4j for Competitive Advantage

Gamesys is the largest cash and social gaming operator in UK and Europe, created the world’s first cash gaming application on Facebook. With games like Jackpotjoy, Instant Slots and Here Be Monsters, the company features online bingo, slots and casino games. Combined, their web properties... read more

Learn about the New Features Now Available in the Neo4j 3.0 Milestone 1 Release

Bolting Forward: The Neo4j 3.0 Milestone 1 Release Is Here

Happy Friday, Neo4j alpha-developers! Good news: The first milestone release of Neo4j 3.0 is now ready for testing. Download Neo4j 3.0.0-M01 here. Disclaimer: Milestone releases like this one are for development and experimentation only as not all features are in their finalized form. Click here... read more