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Learn More about the Competitive Advantage that Graph Databases Lend to Your Enterprise

The Competitive Advantage of Graph Databases in the Enterprise

“Big data” grows bigger every year, but today’s enterprise leaders don’t only need to manage larger volumes of data – they critically need to generate insight from their existing data. So how should CIOs and CTOs generate those insights? To paraphrase Seth Godin, businesses need to... read more

Learn More about Scaling Massive Graph Data with Neo4j on IBM POWER8 Technology

Neo4j on IBM POWER8: Scale Massive Graphs Like Never Before

openCypher and the Neo4j 2.3 release weren’t the only big announcements Emil Eifrem made during his keynote address at GraphConnect San Francisco. The Neo4j team is also proud to unveil Neo4j on IBM POWER8. Just as we are working hard to make Neo4j the best, fastest and most scalable... read more

Explore All of the Great Articles & Videos Created by the Neo4j Community in October 2015

From the Neo4j Community: October 2015

The Neo4j community has had a very busy October! Besides the three major announcements at GraphConnect San Francisco, community members have been abuzz about everything from real-time databases to competitive benchmarks. Below are some of our top picks from our stellar (and growing!) community... read more

Achim und Christian stellen Logistiklösungen auf der Basis von Neo4j.

Webinar: Umgekehrte Architekturanalyse im Datastore-Umfeld

Wie versprochen hier der Blog Post zu unserem Webinar mit Joachim und Christian von synyx. Für all die von Ihnen, die nicht teilnehmen konnten, gibt es die Aufzeichnung und die Präsentation. Wenn es an der Zeit ist eine Datenbank für Ihr Projekt auszuwählen, gibt es inzwischen... read more

Learn How a Universal Problem-Solving Machine with Neo4j Built an Automated Microservices Market

An Automated Market of Cypher-Annotated Microservices, Part 1 [Community Post]

About 75 years ago, Allan Turing showed us how to build a universal computer. At the time, computers were human individuals, whose jobs were doing mathematical computations. It might have been the simplicity of the technology at that time that influenced Turing to imagine his automatic... read more

Learn More about the Graph-Based Search Use Case of Graph Databases in the Enterprise

Graph Databases in the Enterprise: Graph-Based Search

Graph-based search is a new approach to data and digital asset management originally pioneered by Facebook and Google. Search powered by a graph database delivers relevant information that you may not have specifically asked for – offering a more proactive and targeted search experience,... read more