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Graph Visualization with Linkurious Enterprise V1

Graph Visualization for Everyone: Linkurious Enterprise V1

Editor’s Note: Linkurious is a Bronze sponsor of GraphConnect San Francisco. Register for GraphConnect to meet Jean and other sponsors in person. Since we started Linkurious in 2013, we have worked with dozens of Neo4j users around world to help them find answers in graph data. Be it... read more

Learn All about KeyLines Geospatial in This GraphConnect San Francisco Preview

KeyLines Geospatial Is Leaving Beta! See the First Demo Here

Editor’s Note: Cambridge Intelligence is a Silver sponsor of GraphConnect San Francisco. Register for GraphConnect to meet Corey and other sponsors in person. The Countdown to GraphConnect The wait is nearly over…just 7 days to GraphConnect San Francisco! We are super excited to... read more

Learn More about the Graph Visualization Capabilities of Tom Sawyer Perspectives

The Future of Graph Visualization: An Interview with Tom Sawyer Software

Editor’s Note: Tom Sawyer Software is a Gold sponsor of GraphConnect San Francisco. Register for GraphConnect to meet the Tom Sawyer team and other sponsors in person. Graph visualization is a hot topic within the software community – especially for Neo4j users – but finding the right tool... read more

Learn What’s New in Structr 2.0 for Faster, More Flexible Application Development

Introducing Structr 2.0: Faster, More Flexible App Development

Editor’s Note: Structr is a Bronze sponsor of GraphConnect San Francisco. Register for GraphConnect to meet Axel and other sponsors in person. When Christian, Kai and I board the plane from Frankfurt to San Francisco next Monday, headed for GraphConnect San Francisco, more than 12 crazy months... read more

Learn Why Production-Grade Neo4j Hosting Matters More Than You Think – From One Graphista to Another

Why Production-Grade Neo4j Hosting Matters – From One Graphista to Another

Editor’s Note: GrapheneDB is a Bronze sponsor of GraphConnect San Francisco. Register for GraphConnect to meet Alberto and other sponsors in person. I’m a developer who knows what it’s like to set up Neo4j in production. I’ve been in the trenches of graph data modeling, coding Cypher... read more

Learn How the Future of Real-Time Recommendation Engines Merges with Graph-Aided Search

The Future of Recommendation Engines: Graph-Aided Search

Editor’s Note: GraphAware is a Silver sponsor of GraphConnect San Francisco. Register for GraphConnect to meet Michal and other sponsors in person. For the last couple of years, Neo4j has been increasingly popular as the technology of choice for people building real-time recommendation engines.... read more