

apoc.nodes.cycles(nodes LIST<NODE>, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - detects all PATH cycles in the given LIST<NODE>. This procedure can be limited on RELATIONSHIP values as well.


apoc.nodes.cycles(nodes :: LIST<NODE>, config = {} :: MAP) :: (path :: PATH)

Input parameters

Name Type Default







Config parameters

Table 1. Config parameters
name type default description




The max number of hops (relationships) to search for cycles.




The relationship types to detect cycles. By default, all types will be considered.

Output parameters

Name Type



Usage Examples

The examples in this section are based on the following sample graph:

CREATE (m1:Start {bar: 'alpha'}) with m1 CREATE (m1)-[:DEPENDS_ON {id: 0}]->(m2:Module {bar: 'one'})-[:DEPENDS_ON {id: 1}]->(m3:Module {bar: 'two'})-[:DEPENDS_ON {id: 2}]->(m1)  WITH m1, m2, m3 CREATE (m1)-[:DEPENDS_ON {id: 3}]->(m2), (m2)-[:ANOTHER {id: 4}]->(m3), (m2)-[:DEPENDS_ON {id: 5}]->(m3) CREATE (m1)-[:DEPENDS_ON {id: 6}]->(:Module {bar: 'seven'})-[:DEPENDS_ON {id: 7}]->(:Module {bar: 'eight'})-[:DEPENDS_ON {id: 8}]->(m1);
CREATE (m1:Start {bar: 'beta'}) with m1 CREATE (m1)-[:MY_REL {id: 9}]->(m2:Module {bar: 'three'})-[:MY_REL  {id: 10}]->(m3:Module {bar: 'four'})-[:MY_REL {id: 11}]->(m1);
CREATE (m1:Start {bar: 'gamma'}) with m1 CREATE (m1)-[:DEPENDS_ON {id: 12}]->(m2:Module {bar: 'five'})-[:DEPENDS_ON {id: 13}]->(m3:Module {bar: 'six'});
CREATE (m1:Start {bar: 'delta'}) with m1 CREATE (m1)-[:DEPENDS_ON {id: 20}]->(m1);
CREATE (m1:Start {bar: 'epsilon'}) with m1 CREATE (m1)-[:DEPTH_ONE {id: 30}]->(:Module {bar: 'seven'})-[:DEPTH_ONE {id: 31}]->(m1);

The data set above consists in a node alpha with 2 cycles, a node beta with 1 cycles, a gamma node without cycles, a node delta with 1 cycle (with only 1 intermediate node), and a epsilon node with a self-relationship:

dataset cycle

We can execute the following query which looks for all the cycles starting from the Start nodes:

MATCH (m1:Start) WITH collect(m1) as nodes CALL apoc.nodes.cycles(nodes) YIELD path RETURN path
all cycles

Note that, in case of nodes with double-rels (in this example, between (:Start {bar: 'alpha'}) and (:Module {bar: 'one'}) and between (:Module {bar: 'one'}) and (:Module {bar: 'two'})), only the first cycle found will be considered.

We can also specify a list of relationship types to detect cycles. For example:

MATCH (m1:Start) WITH collect(m1) as nodes CALL apoc.nodes.cycles(nodes, {relTypes: ["DEPENDS_ON", "MY_REL", "NOT_EXISTENT"]}) YIELD path RETURN path
rel types cycles

Furthermore, we can specify a maxDepth to consider cycles with only n intermediate nodes. For example:

MATCH (m1:Start) WITH collect(m1) as nodes CALL apoc.nodes.cycles(nodes, {maxDepth: 1}) YIELD path RETURN path
cycles max depth 1

Note that is allowed also a maxDepth: 0, returning only nodes with one or more self relationships:

MATCH (m1:Start) WITH collect(m1) as nodes CALL apoc.nodes.cycles(nodes, {relTypes: ['DEPENDS_ON'], maxDepth: 0}) YIELD path RETURN path
cycles max depth 0