Neo4j Launches Program to Empower Educators

Program enables students to access Neo4j’s leading graph database technology fueling the next generation of world-changing ideas

SAN MATEO, Calif., – October 10, 2019 – Neo4j, the leader in graph databases, announced today the availability of its Educator Program

The Neo4j Educator Program allows both new and experienced graph educators to provide hands-on use of Neo4j for their students’ projects and lessons. The program also provides the technology and resources needed for instructors to teach their students the value of connected data. 

Data science, artificial intelligence, big data and developer skills continue to be in high demand across the U.S. job market. A recent study by IBM found that the number of jobs for U.S. data professionals will increase by 28 percent by 2020. Neo4j’s Educator Program is helping arm future developers and data scientists with the tools they need to succeed. Students who have the knowledge to deploy and manage graph databases to find connections within their data are positioned for the top jobs in the industry. 

Educators in the program receive free access to Neo4j Enterprise Edition for lab and student computers, and teaching resources and materials created and maintained by Neo4j. Additional resources include:

  • Intro to Neo4j course slides (7+ hours of slides and guided exercises organized into modules)
  • Graph Data Modeling course slides (7 hours of slides and guided exercises organized into 2 modules)
  • Links to tutorials, additional help and resources
  • Neo4j Community Site support with a private group for instructors to collaborate and share tips

Image caption: The Neo4j Educator Program is designed to help  accredited schools, colleges and universities teach the next generation of practitioners about graph databases.

This program is open to accredited, non-profit institutions, as well as K-12, college and university programs. It has already garnered interest from a number of academic institutions, including California State University, Los Angeles and Rice University

Risa Myers, Assistant Teaching Professor at Rice University, included Neo4j as part of her introductory database course last semester. 

"An introduction to databases course is not complete without graph databases," said Myers.  "At Rice we believe that today’s students need to know more than just the relational model to be competitive. Adding content about graph databases to the curriculum sparks interest and excitement. Even novice database users benefit from exploring connected data.”

Emil Eifrem, CEO and Co-Founder of Neo4j, stressed the importance of including graph database concepts as a core part of database understanding.

“Since founding Neo4j, our goal has been to help people make sense of data.” said Eifrem.  “Everybody has data they want to better understand, and the connections within a data set always reveal important insights.

“The Educator Program is exciting, as we now have a network — or should I say graph — of incredible educators teaching the next generation of practitioners about graph databases. I would have never guessed that a technology I created would be taught in a classroom over 10 years later.”

For educators who are interested in learning more about the program and how it can impact their students, read our blog post

Interested educators should apply to the Neo4j Educator Program website here.

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About Neo4j

Neo4j is the leading graph database platform that drives innovation and competitive advantage at Airbus, Comcast, eBay, NASA, UBS, Walmart and more. Thousands of community deployments and more than 300 customers harness connected data with Neo4j to reveal how people, processes, locations and systems are interrelated. Using this relationships-first approach, applications built using Neo4j tackle connected data challenges including artificial intelligence, fraud detection, real-time recommendations and master data. Find out more at   


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