
Procedure Apoc Extended

apoc.es.stats(host-or-key,$config) - elastic search statistics


apoc.es.stats(host :: STRING?, payload = {} :: MAP?, config = {} :: MAP?) :: (value :: MAP?)

Input parameters

Name Type Default







Output parameters

Name Type



Usage Examples

The examples in this section are based on the following Elastic instance:

version: '3.5'
    image: docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.10.0
      - 9200:9200
      - 9300:9300
      - discovery.type=single-node

with a dataset created by downloading this file, and executing the command:

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPOST 'localhost:9200/bank/_bulk?pretty&refresh' --data-binary '@accounts.json'
CALL apoc.es.stats("localhost");
Table 1. Results

{_shards: {total: 4, failed: 0, successful: 2}, indices: {bank: {primaries: {completion: {size_in_bytes: 0}, indexing: {delete_time_in_millis: 0, throttle_time_in_millis: 0, index_time_in_millis: 200, delete_current: 0, index_total: 1000, is_throttled: FALSE, delete_total: 0, index_current: 0, noop_update_total: 0, index_failed: 0}, translog: {size_in_bytes: 55, uncommitted_operations: 0, operations: 0, uncommitted_size_in_bytes: 55, earliest_last_modified_age: 0}, refresh: {external_total_time_in_millis: 152, total: 5, listeners: 0, total_time_in_millis: 151, external_total: 4}, store: {size_in_bytes: 388421, reserved_in_bytes: 0}, recovery: {current_as_source: 0, current_as_target: 0, throttle_time_in_millis: 0}, warmer: {current: 0, total: 3, total_time_in_millis: 0}, segments: {version_map_memory_in_bytes: 0, norms_memory_in_bytes: 512, file_sizes: {}, max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp: -1, count: 1, fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes: 0, term_vectors_memory_in_bytes: 0, points_memory_in_bytes: 0, index_writer_memory_in_bytes: 0, memory_in_bytes: 4948, terms_memory_in_bytes: 3872, doc_values_memory_in_bytes: 76, stored_fields_memory_in_bytes: 488}, search: {scroll_total: 0, suggest_total: 0, query_total: 10, scroll_time_in_millis: 0, suggest_time_in_millis: 0, query_current: 0, suggest_current: 0, fetch_current: 0, scroll_current: 0, fetch_time_in_millis: 25, fetch_total: 10, open_contexts: 0, query_time_in_millis: 24}, query_cache: {miss_count: 0, memory_size_in_bytes: 0, cache_size: 0, total_count: 0, evictions: 0, hit_count: 0, cache_count: 0}, docs: {count: 1000, deleted: 0}, flush: {total: 1, total_time_in_millis: 16, periodic: 0}, fielddata: {evictions: 0, memory_size_in_bytes: 0}, get: {total: 3, current: 0, missing_total: 0, exists_time_in_millis: 2, missing_time_in_millis: 0, time_in_millis: 2, exists_total: 3}, request_cache: {evictions: 0, miss_count: 0, hit_count: 0, memory_size_in_bytes: 0}, merges: {current: 0, total: 0, total_time_in_millis: 0, current_docs: 0, total_auto_throttle_in_bytes: 20971520, total_docs: 0, total_size_in_bytes: 0, current_size_in_bytes: 0, total_stopped_time_in_millis: 0, total_throttled_time_in_millis: 0}}, total: {completion: {size_in_bytes: 0}, indexing: {delete_time_in_millis: 0, throttle_time_in_millis: 0, index_time_in_millis: 200, delete_current: 0, index_total: 1000, is_throttled: FALSE, delete_total: 0, index_current: 0, noop_update_total: 0, index_failed: 0}, translog: {size_in_bytes: 55, uncommitted_operations: 0, operations: 0, uncommitted_size_in_bytes: 55, earliest_last_modified_age: 0}, refresh: {external_total_time_in_millis: 152, total: 5, listeners: 0, total_time_in_millis: 151, external_total: 4}, store: {size_in_bytes: 388421, reserved_in_bytes: 0}, recovery: {current_as_source: 0, current_as_target: 0, throttle_time_in_millis: 0}, warmer: {current: 0, total: 3, total_time_in_millis: 0}, segments: {version_map_memory_in_bytes: 0, norms_memory_in_bytes: 512, file_sizes: {}, max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp: -1, count: 1, fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes: 0, term_vectors_memory_in_bytes: 0, points_memory_in_bytes: 0, index_writer_memory_in_bytes: 0, memory_in_bytes: 4948, terms_memory_in_bytes: 3872, doc_values_memory_in_bytes: 76, stored_fields_memory_in_bytes: 488}, search: {scroll_total: 0, suggest_total: 0, query_total: 10, scroll_time_in_millis: 0, suggest_time_in_millis: 0, query_current: 0, suggest_current: 0, fetch_current: 0, scroll_current: 0, fetch_time_in_millis: 25, fetch_total: 10, open_contexts: 0, query_time_in_millis: 24}, query_cache: {miss_count: 0, memory_size_in_bytes: 0, cache_size: 0, total_count: 0, evictions: 0, hit_count: 0, cache_count: 0}, docs: {count: 1000, deleted: 0}, flush: {total: 1, total_time_in_millis: 16, periodic: 0}, fielddata: {evictions: 0, memory_size_in_bytes: 0}, get: {total: 3, current: 0, missing_total: 0, exists_time_in_millis: 2, missing_time_in_millis: 0, time_in_millis: 2, exists_total: 3}, request_cache: {evictions: 0, miss_count: 0, hit_count: 0, memory_size_in_bytes: 0}, merges: {current: 0, total: 0, total_time_in_millis: 0, current_docs: 0, total_auto_throttle_in_bytes: 20971520, total_docs: 0, total_size_in_bytes: 0, current_size_in_bytes: 0, total_stopped_time_in_millis: 0, total_throttled_time_in_millis: 0}}, uuid: "n30zldteSaW6mhIfeLEg1A"}, customer: {primaries: {completion: {size_in_bytes: 0}, indexing: {delete_time_in_millis: 0, throttle_time_in_millis: 0, index_time_in_millis: 0, delete_current: 0, index_total: 0, is_throttled: FALSE, delete_total: 0, index_current: 0, noop_update_total: 0, index_failed: 0}, translog: {size_in_bytes: 55, uncommitted_operations: 0, operations: 0, uncommitted_size_in_bytes: 55, earliest_last_modified_age: 0}, refresh: {external_total_time_in_millis: 1, total: 2, listeners: 0, total_time_in_millis: 0, external_total: 2}, store: {size_in_bytes: 3930, reserved_in_bytes: 0}, recovery: {current_as_source: 0, current_as_target: 0, throttle_time_in_millis: 0}, warmer: {current: 0, total: 1, total_time_in_millis: 1}, segments: {version_map_memory_in_bytes: 0, norms_memory_in_bytes: 64, file_sizes: {}, max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp: -1, count: 1, fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes: 0, term_vectors_memory_in_bytes: 0, points_memory_in_bytes: 0, index_writer_memory_in_bytes: 0, memory_in_bytes: 1364, terms_memory_in_bytes: 736, doc_values_memory_in_bytes: 76, stored_fields_memory_in_bytes: 488}, search: {scroll_total: 0, suggest_total: 0, query_total: 0, scroll_time_in_millis: 0, suggest_time_in_millis: 0, query_current: 0, suggest_current: 0, fetch_current: 0, scroll_current: 0, fetch_time_in_millis: 0, fetch_total: 0, open_contexts: 0, query_time_in_millis: 0}, query_cache: {miss_count: 0, memory_size_in_bytes: 0, cache_size: 0, total_count: 0, evictions: 0, hit_count: 0, cache_count: 0}, docs: {count: 1, deleted: 0}, flush: {total: 1, total_time_in_millis: 0, periodic: 0}, fielddata: {evictions: 0, memory_size_in_bytes: 0}, get: {total: 2, current: 0, missing_total: 0, exists_time_in_millis: 3, missing_time_in_millis: 0, time_in_millis: 3, exists_total: 2}, request_cache: {evictions: 0, miss_count: 0, hit_count: 0, memory_size_in_bytes: 0}, merges: {current: 0, total: 0, total_time_in_millis: 0, current_docs: 0, total_auto_throttle_in_bytes: 20971520, total_docs: 0, total_size_in_bytes: 0, current_size_in_bytes: 0, total_stopped_time_in_millis: 0, total_throttled_time_in_millis: 0}}, total: {completion: {size_in_bytes: 0}, indexing: {delete_time_in_millis: 0, throttle_time_in_millis: 0, index_time_in_millis: 0, delete_current: 0, index_total: 0, is_throttled: FALSE, delete_total: 0, index_current: 0, noop_update_total: 0, index_failed: 0}, translog: {size_in_bytes: 55, uncommitted_operations: 0, operations: 0, uncommitted_size_in_bytes: 55, earliest_last_modified_age: 0}, refresh: {external_total_time_in_millis: 1, total: 2, listeners: 0, total_time_in_millis: 0, external_total: 2}, store: {size_in_bytes: 3930, reserved_in_bytes: 0}, recovery: {current_as_source: 0, current_as_target: 0, throttle_time_in_millis: 0}, warmer: {current: 0, total: 1, total_time_in_millis: 1}, segments: {version_map_memory_in_bytes: 0, norms_memory_in_bytes: 64, file_sizes: {}, max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp: -1, count: 1, fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes: 0, term_vectors_memory_in_bytes: 0, points_memory_in_bytes: 0, index_writer_memory_in_bytes: 0, memory_in_bytes: 1364, terms_memory_in_bytes: 736, doc_values_memory_in_bytes: 76, stored_fields_memory_in_bytes: 488}, search: {scroll_total: 0, suggest_total: 0, query_total: 0, scroll_time_in_millis: 0, suggest_time_in_millis: 0, query_current: 0, suggest_current: 0, fetch_current: 0, scroll_current: 0, fetch_time_in_millis: 0, fetch_total: 0, open_contexts: 0, query_time_in_millis: 0}, query_cache: {miss_count: 0, memory_size_in_bytes: 0, cache_size: 0, total_count: 0, evictions: 0, hit_count: 0, cache_count: 0}, docs: {count: 1, deleted: 0}, flush: {total: 1, total_time_in_millis: 0, periodic: 0}, fielddata: {evictions: 0, memory_size_in_bytes: 0}, get: {total: 2, current: 0, missing_total: 0, exists_time_in_millis: 3, missing_time_in_millis: 0, time_in_millis: 3, exists_total: 2}, request_cache: {evictions: 0, miss_count: 0, hit_count: 0, memory_size_in_bytes: 0}, merges: {current: 0, total: 0, total_time_in_millis: 0, current_docs: 0, total_auto_throttle_in_bytes: 20971520, total_docs: 0, total_size_in_bytes: 0, current_size_in_bytes: 0, total_stopped_time_in_millis: 0, total_throttled_time_in_millis: 0}}, uuid: "qsJolIubSKuQW7COg02k1Q"}}, _all: {primaries: {completion: {size_in_bytes: 0}, indexing: {delete_time_in_millis: 0, throttle_time_in_millis: 0, index_time_in_millis: 200, delete_current: 0, index_total: 1000, is_throttled: FALSE, delete_total: 0, index_current: 0, noop_update_total: 0, index_failed: 0}, translog: {size_in_bytes: 110, uncommitted_operations: 0, operations: 0, uncommitted_size_in_bytes: 110, earliest_last_modified_age: 0}, refresh: {external_total_time_in_millis: 153, total: 7, listeners: 0, total_time_in_millis: 151, external_total: 6}, store: {size_in_bytes: 392351, reserved_in_bytes: 0}, recovery: {current_as_source: 0, current_as_target: 0, throttle_time_in_millis: 0}, warmer: {current: 0, total: 4, total_time_in_millis: 1}, segments: {version_map_memory_in_bytes: 0, norms_memory_in_bytes: 576, file_sizes: {}, max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp: -1, count: 2, fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes: 0, term_vectors_memory_in_bytes: 0, points_memory_in_bytes: 0, index_writer_memory_in_bytes: 0, memory_in_bytes: 6312, terms_memory_in_bytes: 4608, doc_values_memory_in_bytes: 152, stored_fields_memory_in_bytes: 976}, search: {scroll_total: 0, suggest_total: 0, query_total: 10, scroll_time_in_millis: 0, suggest_time_in_millis: 0, query_current: 0, suggest_current: 0, fetch_current: 0, scroll_current: 0, fetch_time_in_millis: 25, fetch_total: 10, open_contexts: 0, query_time_in_millis: 24}, query_cache: {miss_count: 0, memory_size_in_bytes: 0, cache_size: 0, total_count: 0, evictions: 0, hit_count: 0, cache_count: 0}, docs: {count: 1001, deleted: 0}, flush: {total: 2, total_time_in_millis: 16, periodic: 0}, fielddata: {evictions: 0, memory_size_in_bytes: 0}, get: {total: 5, current: 0, missing_total: 0, exists_time_in_millis: 5, missing_time_in_millis: 0, time_in_millis: 5, exists_total: 5}, request_cache: {evictions: 0, miss_count: 0, hit_count: 0, memory_size_in_bytes: 0}, merges: {current: 0, total: 0, total_time_in_millis: 0, current_docs: 0, total_auto_throttle_in_bytes: 41943040, total_docs: 0, total_size_in_bytes: 0, current_size_in_bytes: 0, total_stopped_time_in_millis: 0, total_throttled_time_in_millis: 0}}, total: {completion: {size_in_bytes: 0}, indexing: {delete_time_in_millis: 0, throttle_time_in_millis: 0, index_time_in_millis: 200, delete_current: 0, index_total: 1000, is_throttled: FALSE, delete_total: 0, index_current: 0, noop_update_total: 0, index_failed: 0}, translog: {size_in_bytes: 110, uncommitted_operations: 0, operations: 0, uncommitted_size_in_bytes: 110, earliest_last_modified_age: 0}, refresh: {external_total_time_in_millis: 153, total: 7, listeners: 0, total_time_in_millis: 151, external_total: 6}, store: {size_in_bytes: 392351, reserved_in_bytes: 0}, recovery: {current_as_source: 0, current_as_target: 0, throttle_time_in_millis: 0}, warmer: {current: 0, total: 4, total_time_in_millis: 1}, segments: {version_map_memory_in_bytes: 0, norms_memory_in_bytes: 576, file_sizes: {}, max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp: -1, count: 2, fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes: 0, term_vectors_memory_in_bytes: 0, points_memory_in_bytes: 0, index_writer_memory_in_bytes: 0, memory_in_bytes: 6312, terms_memory_in_bytes: 4608, doc_values_memory_in_bytes: 152, stored_fields_memory_in_bytes: 976}, search: {scroll_total: 0, suggest_total: 0, query_total: 10, scroll_time_in_millis: 0, suggest_time_in_millis: 0, query_current: 0, suggest_current: 0, fetch_current: 0, scroll_current: 0, fetch_time_in_millis: 25, fetch_total: 10, open_contexts: 0, query_time_in_millis: 24}, query_cache: {miss_count: 0, memory_size_in_bytes: 0, cache_size: 0, total_count: 0, evictions: 0, hit_count: 0, cache_count: 0}, docs: {count: 1001, deleted: 0}, flush: {total: 2, total_time_in_millis: 16, periodic: 0}, fielddata: {evictions: 0, memory_size_in_bytes: 0}, get: {total: 5, current: 0, missing_total: 0, exists_time_in_millis: 5, missing_time_in_millis: 0, time_in_millis: 5, exists_total: 5}, request_cache: {evictions: 0, miss_count: 0, hit_count: 0, memory_size_in_bytes: 0}, merges: {current: 0, total: 0, total_time_in_millis: 0, current_docs: 0, total_auto_throttle_in_bytes: 41943040, total_docs: 0, total_size_in_bytes: 0, current_size_in_bytes: 0, total_stopped_time_in_millis: 0, total_throttled_time_in_millis: 0}}}}