Build & Run

To start developing the application, you will need to set up the development environment.

Run & Build using yarn

NeoDash is built with React. You will need yarn installed to run the web app.

Use a recent version of yarn and node to build NeoDash. The application has been tested with yarn 1.22.17 & node v18.8.0.

To run the application in development mode:

  • clone this repository.

  • open a terminal and navigate to the directory you just cloned.

  • run yarn install to install the necessary dependencies.

  • run yarn run dev to run the app in development mode.

  • the application should be available at http://localhost:3000.

To build the app for production:

  • follow the steps above to clone the repository and install dependencies.

  • execute yarn run build. This will create a build folder in your project directory.

  • deploy the contents of the build folder to a web server. You should then be able to run the web app.

Run locally with Docker

Pull the latest image from Docker Hub to run the application locally:

# Run the application on http://localhost:5005
docker pull neo4jlabs/neodash:latest
docker run -it --rm -p 5005:5005 neo4jlabs/neodash

# If you want to run on a custom port, set an environment variable
export NGINX_PORT=5008
docker run -it --rm -e NGINX_PORT=5008 -p 5008:5008 neo4jlabs/neodash

Windows users may need to prefix the docker run command with winpty.

Build Docker image

A pre-built Docker image is available on DockerHub. This image is built using the default configuration (running in editor mode, without SSO).

To build the image yourself:

Make sure you have a recent version of docker installed to build the multi-stage NeoDash image and run it.

On Unix (Mac/Linux) systems:

docker build . -t neodash

If you use Windows, you might need to prefix the command with winpty:

winpty docker build . -t neodash

After building, you can run the image with:

docker run -it –rm -p 5005:5005 neodash

Run on Kubernetes

An example of a pod definition YAML file to create a NeoDash pod in a cluster:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: neodash
    project: neodash
    - name: neodash
      image: neo4jlabs/neodash:latest
        - containerPort: 5005

Creating a Kubernetes service to expose the application:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    name: neodash-svc
    type: LoadBalancer
    - port: 5005
      targetPort: 5005
      project: neodash