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Learn How Chris Daly Used Neo4j as an Internet of Things Data Store for His Raspberry Pi Hardware

Using Neo4j as an IoT Data Store on Raspberry Pi Class Hardware [Community Post]

Last weekend a big wind and rain storm rolled through northwestern Oregon where I live. Normally I don't pay much attention to the barometer, but I was writing this blog post and noticed one of my Internet Things had captured the onset of the storm in the early morning hours of Saturday the... read more

Learn More about the Convergence of Graph and Spatial Analysis in this Community Post by Karl Urich

Finding Valuable Outliers and Opportunities Using Graph and Spatial [Community Post]

Businesses are capitalizing on the value of analyzing relationships that exist in their business data. The technology industry and open source groups are building Spatial tools (“where” analysis) and Graph tools (relationship analysis) so that businesses can improve their insight on... read more

Listen to Nicolas Rouyer’s Talk at GraphConnect Europe on Predicting Information System Incidents

Predict Information System Incidents with Neo4j [GraphConnect Recap]

Editor’s Note: Last May at GraphConnect Europe, Nicolas Rouyer – Senior IT Architect at Orange – gave this valuable talk on tracking and predicting information system (IS) incidents using Neo4j. Listen to or read his presentation below. Register for GraphConnect San Francisco to hear more... read more

Learn How We Imported 10 Million Stack Overflow Questions into Neo4j in Just 3 Minutes

Import 10M Stack Overflow Questions into Neo4j In Just 3 Minutes

I want to demonstrate how you can take the Stack Overflow dump and quickly import it into Neo4j. After that, you’re ready to start querying the graph for more insights and then possibly build an application on top of that Stack Overflow dataset. If you want to follow along, we have a running... read more

Listen to Felienne Hermans’ Talk at GraphConnect Europe on Why Spreadsheets Are Graphs Too

Spreadsheets Are Graphs Too!

Editor’s Note: Last May at GraphConnect Europe, Felienne Hermans – Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology – gave this engaging talk on why you shouldn’t overlook the power of the humble spreadsheet. Listen to or read her presentation below. Register for GraphConnect San... read more

Learn how José Machicao mapped the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Standard with a graph database in order to manage dependent processes.

Mapping the PMBOK Standard as a Graph Database

Within the project management community, the Project Management Body of Knowledge® (PMBOK) Standard, published by the Project Management Institute (PMI®), is a well-known compilation of project management best practices. Its earliest versions (back in 1980) were organized by knowledge areas,... read more