Advanced metrics

AuraDB Professional AuraDB Enterprise

Advanced metrics is a feature that enables access to a broad range of different instance and database metrics.

To access Advanced metrics:

  1. Navigate to the Neo4j Aura Console in your browser.

  2. Select the instance you want to access.

  3. Select the Metrics tab.

  4. Select the Advanced metrics button.

The presented metrics will be laid out across three tabs according to their category:

  • Resources - Overall system resources, such as CPU, RAM and disk usage.

  • Instance - Information about the Neo4j instance(s) running the database.

  • Database - Metrics concerning the database itself, such as usage statistics and entity counts.

When viewing metrics, you can select from the following time intervals:

  • 30 minutes

  • 6 hours

  • 24 hours

  • 3 days

  • 7 days

  • 14 days

  • 30 days

Chart interactions

Memory and storage charts can be toggled between absolute and relative values using the % toggle.

Toggle data series

AuraDB Enterprise

To hide or show individual data series, select the corresponding data series in the legend below the chart.


To zoom in to a narrower time interval, select and drag inside any chart to select your desired time interval. The data will automatically update to match the increased resolution.

To reset zoom, double-click anywhere inside the chart or use the option in the context menu.


Any chart can be expanded to take up all the available screen estate by clicking the expand button (shown as two opposing arrows). To exit this mode, click the x button on the expanded view.

Context menu

To access the chart context menu, select the …​ button on any chart.

  • More info - Selecting More info brings up an explanation of the particular metric. For some metrics it also provides hints about possible actions to take if that metric falls outside the expected range.

  • Reset zoom - If the zoom level has been altered by selecting and dragging across a chart, Reset zoom resets the zoom back to the selected interval.


AuraDB Enterprise

Most metrics will have several values for a given timestamp because of the following reasons:

  • Multiple database replicas

  • Compressing several data points into one, depending on zoom level

Aggregating functions are used to reconcile metrics having multiple data points and make the most sense of that particular metric. To convey an even more detailed picture of the state of the system, several aggregations can be shown.

The possible aggregations are:

  • Min - The minimum value of the metric across all cluster members.

  • Max - The maximum value of the metric across all cluster members.

  • Average - The average value of the metric across all cluster members.

  • Sum - The sum of the metric across all cluster members.