Graph Data Modeling for Neo4j

About this course

This course introduces you to how to develop a graph data model for an application using Neo4j best practices.

This course is intended for developers and architects. You need not have programming experience to take this training, but you will have a solid understanding of what Neo4j is and how graph components are used in a Neo4j database.

In this course, you complete hands-on exercises to gain experience with developing graph data models for use with Neo4j.

To complete the hands-on exercises for this course, you need a Web browser and Internet access.

At the end of each lesson are a set of questions that you must answer correctly to mark the lesson as completed. If you complete all lessons, you will receive a Certificate of Completion.

If you perform the hands-on exercises, this course will take you approximately 4 hours to complete.

This Course is published by Neo4j per this License for Use.

Lesson Overview

Here are the lessons of this course:

  1. Introduction to Graph Data Modeling

  2. Designing the Initial Graph Data Model

  3. Graph Data Modeling Core Principles

  4. Common Graph Structures

  5. Refactoring and Evolving a Graph Data Model


We have created a discussion area in our Neo4j Community Site, if you run into problems in the course and need assistance. You can register on the Community site where you view other questions and answers for students taking our online training courses. The Neo4j Community Site is an excellent resource for answering many types of questions posed by other users of Neo4j.

Here are some resources you may use as you go through this course: