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Learn about graph-based enterprise architecture management using Linkurious for graph visualization

Graph-Based Enterprise Architecture Management

Today, enterprise architects are required to deliver insights quickly and make sense of large amounts of enterprise data (business knowledge, application information, technology assets, etc.). In this process, understanding and modeling interdependencies between entities is key. With... read more

Learn more about what's new in Neo4j Databridge from GraphAware [as of April 2017]

What’s New in Neo4j Databridge [April 2017]

Since our first post a few months back, Neo4j-Databridge has seen a number of improvements and enhancements. In this post, we'll take a quick tour of the latest features. Streaming Endpoint Although Databridge is primarily designed for bulk data import, which requires Neo4j to be offline, we... read more

Learn more about the data journalism hackathon, talks & panel discussion at GraphConnect Europe 2017

Data Journalism in the Connected Age [GraphConnect Europe Preview]

Long before the publication of the Panama Papers investigation in April last year – which was mostly recently awarded the Pulitzer Prize, among other accolades – data journalism had had to deal with vast amounts of highly connected information. Traditionally investigative journalism was a... read more

Learn more about custom security plugins and access control for user-defined procedures in Neo4j

Custom Security Plugins & User-Defined Procedures in Neo4j Enterprise Edition [Security Series, Part 5]

When it comes to graph database security, it's essential that you have the flexibility to customize every factor of authentication and authorization for your specific deployment. After all, no architecture or organization is the same, so you need the versatility of custom security plugins to ramp... read more