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Catch this week's 5-Minute Interview with Daniel Himmelstein, University of Pennsylvania

The 5-Minute Interview: Daniel Himmelstein, Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Pennsylvania

"This is a really advanced graph algorithm and Cypher nailed it,” said Daniel Himmelstein, a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania. Before using Neo4j, it took as many as 1,000 lines of code to write the main query for Himmelstein's graph algorithm used in a bioinformatics... read more

Learn all about Hasbolt – the new Haskell-Neo4j language driver using the Bolt binary protocol

Hasbolt: The New Haskell Neo4j Bolt Driver

Intro Graph databases and especially Neo4j have proven to be a great solution for close-related data analysis. This is why biotechnology research groups are looking into such technologies, and why we've given birth to a new Bolt driver. A Haskell one. My name is Pavel Yakovlev, and I am a... read more

Explore all of the great articles created by the Neo4j community in November 2016

From the Neo4j Community: November 2016

2016 was a big year for graphs, and the proof is in all of the awesome projects created by the Neo4j community. As we look forward to what 2017 has for the world of graph databases, let's take a look at what the Neo4j community did in November 2016. If you would like to see your post featured in... read more

Neo4j 3.2.0-alpha01 Release

Happy holidays! We're pleased to give you a freshly packaged alpha release of Neo4j 3.2, namely Neo4j 3.2.0-alpha01, just in time for tinkering over the holiday weekend. Disclaimer: Early access releases like this one are for development and experimentation only as not all features are in their... read more

Catch this week’s 5-Minute Interview with Doug Balog, General Manager at IBM Power Systems

5-Minute Interview: Doug Balog, General Manager at IBM Power Systems

"Moore's Law is dead," says Doug Balog, General Manager at IBM Power Systems. Due to the constraints of physics, we can no longer expect the doubling of transistor density and performance every couple of years, and the implications for the entire computing and software industries can't be... read more

Watch Ivan Portilla’s presentation on how IBM Watson and Neo4j work together for better cognitive computing

WayBlazer Cognitive Computing Application Powered by IBM Watson & Neo4j

Editor's Note: This presentation was given by Ivan Portilla at GraphConnect Europe in April 2016. Here's a quick review of what he covered: The three eras of computing What is cognitive computing? What's new with Watson? Streamlining travel with... read more