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Learn All about This New Online Neo4j Course Offered by Edureka

Accelerate Your Career with This Neo4j Course by Edureka [Community Post]

The Evolution of the Neo4j Graph Database In the past, the data industry stored information in tables inside relational databases (RDBMS). However, it soon became a challenge. As soon as you normalized the data to eliminate duplication and inconsistency, your data became difficult to... read more

Watch Chris Leishman's Presentation on How to Achieve Optimal Performance with Neo4j

8 Solid Tips for Succeeding with Neo4j

Editor’s Note: Last October at GraphConnect San Francisco, Chris Leishman – Executive Manager at Neo Technology – delivered this presentation on how to achieve optimal performance with Neo4j. For more videos from GraphConnect SF and to register for GraphConnect Europe, check out... read more

Discover the Origin Story of Neo4j in Light of Its Recent Ascent to #20 in the DB-Engines Ranking

DB-Engines, Informix and Neo4j: An Origins Story

A funny thing happened four-ish weeks ago. On March 1st, the database industry monitor DB-Engines published their usual monthly ranking report for the world's most popular database management systems. For the first time, Neo4j was listed in the top 20. This is certainly a moment of pride... read more

Discover How to Use the neo4j-spatial Plugin for Geospatial Indexing of US Congressional Districts

Geospatial Indexing US Congressional Districts with Neo4j-spatial

In this post I will show you how we can use geospatial indexing with Neo4j. We will extend the legis-graph dataset (a graph of US Congress), adding US Congressional districts to the graph. We will use neo4j-spatial, a plugin for Neo4j, to index the geometries of the Congressional districts.... read more

Catch This Week’s 5-Minute Interview with Lauren Winter, the CTO of Gallium Artistic Services

The 5-Minute Interview: Lauren Winter, CTO of Gallium Artistic Services

For this week's 5-Minute Interview, I chatted with Lauren Winter, the CTO at Gallium Artistic Services in Berkeley, California. I got to catch up with Lauren at the San Francisco Graph Database Meetup group. Here's what she had to say: Q: Talk to me about how you use Neo4j at... read more

Learn about the Cypher Query Language from the Perspective of a SQL Developer

An Introduction to Cypher for the SQL Developer

Traditionally, if you wanted to query a dataset the only option was to learn SQL and query your relational database or data warehouse. But over the last 5-10 years we've seen the emergence of NoSQL databases which have brought with them an array of different database query languages and... read more