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Discover Why Slow SQL Queries of Your Relational Database Are Killing Your Recommendation Engine

Slow SQL Queries Are Killing Your Recommendation Engine

In today’s fast-paced world, users won’t wait minutes for your recommendation engine to query the database. In fact, you’re lucky if they’re willing to wait more than a few seconds. The question is then: Is your relational database performing at the speed required to offer relevant... read more

Read about the Latest Summer Update to Spring Data Neo4j 4

Summer Update on Spring Data Neo4j

I’m happy to announce good progress on our continuous efforts to integrate Neo4j with the Spring Framework, namely Spring Data. Our Spring Data Neo4j project started more than 5 years ago and it has been my challenge to keep it in sync and catching up with the Neo4j development. Last week... read more

Listen to Jim Webber’s Keynote Presentation on the History and Future of Graph Data Technologies

Impossible Is Nothing: The History (& Future) of Graph Data [GraphConnect Recap]

Editor’s Note: Last May at GraphConnect Europe, Jim Webber – Chief Scientist at Neo Technology – gave this inspiring (and nerdy) keynote talk on the history and future of graph data. Register for GraphConnect San Francisco to hear more speakers like Jim present on the emerging world of... read more

Learn about This Neo4j Database Course Taught by Bruce Hilton

New Neo4j Course: Stop Developing Databases the Hard Way! [Community Post]

Back in early 2013, I was working on an RDBMS project with Java. The project goals required that we stand back and look at our data in a different way to the traditional rows-and-columns approach. The real challenge came with the persistence layer. Not only capturing and persisting the data but... read more