Server update

Before starting the update process, it is recommended to back up your existing NOM installation folder.

Version specific notes


This version introduces multi-user capabilities. As a result, the product analytics and crash analytics opt-out toggles have moved to a global setting accessible only by the NOM server admin.

To configure the opt-out toggles, please refer to Server configuration reference


The initial startup of 1.4 after update may take longer than usual, especially if the persistence store contains a large amount of query log data.

This is due to additions to the query log model which require existing data to be migrated.


All metrics will be deleted as part of the migration that runs on update to version 1.3.

This is due to a major change to the metric storage model making previous metrics incompatible with this version.

On Linux

  1. Back up any files you’ve modified inside the current NOM server directory. This usually includes etc/neo4j-ops-manager-server.service and any files inside certificates/ directories.

  2. Download the new NOM server package for your platform.

  3. Stop the NOM server by running systemctl stop neo4j-ops-manager-server.

  4. Extract the downloaded package into the existing installation directory.

  5. Copy the backed up files back into their corresponding locations.

  6. Start the NOM server by running systemctl start neo4j-ops-manager-server.

  7. Verify that the server is operating as expected by checking the logs.

On Windows

  1. Back up any files you’ve modified inside the current NOM server directory. This usually includes bin/server.xml and any files inside certificates/ directories.

  2. Download the new NOM server package for your platform.

  3. Stop the NOM server by running ./bin/server.exe stop inside the current NOM server directory.

  4. Extract the downloaded package into the existing installation directory.

  5. Copy the backed up files back into their corresponding locations.

  6. Start the NOM server by running ./bin/server.exe start.

  7. Verify that the server is operating as expected by checking the logs.