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Learn how Neo4j is used for customer experience personalization with this global retailer case study

Retail & Neo4j: Customer Experience Personalization

To remain viable, today's retailers must be nimble enough to face their colossal online competition while also addressing another new reality of retail: The customer is now at the center of the value chain. In order to adapt to these new realities, retailers must have real-time control of... read more

This Week in Neo4j – Azure, Geneaology, Docker

Happy New Year everybody and welcome to our first version of TWIN4j in 2018. I hope you had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year and managed at least a few days not working. My extended family had two babies experiencing it all for the first time - I think they were pretty bemused by the... read more

Watch Blake Nelson and Deve Palakkattukudy's presentation on using Neo4j for predictive roadway analytics

Driving Predictive Analytics with the Power of Neo4j

Editor’s Note: This presentation was given by Blake Nelson and Deve Palakkattukudy at GraphConnect San Francisco in October 2016. Presentation Summary Agero has been the industry leader in roadside assistance for the last 40 years. Much of their business depends on locations — the... read more

Learn more about data profiling using the Neo4j graph database and the APOC library

Data Profiling: A Holistic View of Data using Neo4j

Summary Data profiling is a widely used methodology in the relational database world to analyse the structure, contents and metadata of a data source. Generally, data profiling consists a series of jobs executed upon the data source to collect statistics and produce informative summaries about... read more

This Week in Neo4j – 16 December 2017

Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days. Featured Community Member: Greg Walker This week’s featured community member is Greg Walker, the creator of learnmeabitcoin.com. Greg Walker... read more