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Learn all about the JetBrains IDE plugin offering graph database support for Neo4j, Cypher and more

The JetBrains IDE Plugin for Graph Database Developers [Community Post]

Many developers mostly stay in their integrated development environments (IDEs) when working on software. That's why it's useful if the IDE has database tooling built in that allows you to query your database and validate and complete your statements. When writing Neo4j-related code, that... read more

Learn how to deploy Neo4j using Mesosphere DC/OS and Marathon for container orchestration

Neo4j on Mesosphere DC/OS

Don't miss Johannes present on scaling out Neo4j using Apache Mesos and DC/OS at the next Neo4j Online Meetup! (dcos)-->(instance)<--(neo4j) The same day that Neo4j 3.1 was released in December 2016 it also became available as a Mesosphere Universe package. This is the story behind that... read more

Catch this week’s 5-Minute Interview with Andrés Natanael Soria, Senior Software Architect at Cablevisión

The 5-Minute Interview: Andrés Natanael Soria, Senior Software Architect at Cablevisión

"Due to native graph storage, the Neo4j queries run really quickly, which is amazing," said Andrés Natanael Soria, Senior Software Engineer at Cablevisión Fibertel. The company uses a broadband network to provide cable television and internet services to customers throughout Argentina, and... read more

Learn why the native graph database distinction matters and how Neo4j grows with hardware capacity

The Co-Evolution of Computer Hardware & Graph Databases: Why Graph-Native Matters

Neo4j is a native graph database, which means all of the code – from the web browser to the drivers, Bolt protocol, page cache, cluster protocols, disk storage format — is optimized for graph workloads. As hardware advances come along, we’re uniquely positioned to adapt our software design to... read more

Learn how to explore the Microsoft Concept Graph using Neo4j and the Cypher graph query language

Getting Started with the Microsoft Concept Graph in Neo4j

Introduction What does the study of concepts (or categories, depending on your field of study) tell us about the human mind? A result of the Probase research project, the Microsoft Concept Graph harnesses billions of web pages and search logs to build a huge graph of relations between words... read more