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Catch this week’s 5-Minute Interview with Paul Jongsma, Founder of Webtic

The 5-Minute Interview: Paul Jongsma, Founder of Webtic

For this week's 5-Minute Interview, I spoke with Paul Jongsma, Founder of Webtic. Paul and I sat down together at GraphConnect Europe last April. Here's what we talked about: Can you tell me a little bit about how you guys use Neo4j? Paul Jongsma:We use Neo4j primarily to build web... read more

Learn about everything you need to get started with Neo4j, including 40% off an Udemy course

Everything You Need to Get Started with Neo4j (+40% Off an Udemy Course)

Like many others in the tech industry, I occasionally come across a cool looking technology such as Neo4j and wonder – is this something worth learning? The tech landscape is growing wider every day, and the time we have to learn a new technology really is sparse. In this post, I aim to... read more

Watch Irina Balaur's talk on how the EISBM uses Neo4j for data management in biomedical research

Data Management in Systems Biology and Medicine

Editor's Note: This presentation was given by Irina Balaur at GraphConnect Europe in April 2016. Here's a quick review of what she covered: Integrating Data for Translational Medicine Informatics Incorporating a Graph Database into the eTRIKS Data Architecture The Data Model: Protein... read more

Explore all of the great articles created by the Neo4j community in July 2016

From the Neo4j Community: July 2016

The Neo4j community has been very active this summer – that much is obvious. What you might not have noticed is how many new integrations and drivers have been published for new programming languages in the last month. Highlights include: Golang, Grails, PHP, Elixir and Elasticsearch. Of... read more

Catch this week’s 5-minute interview with Dr. Andreas Weber as he discusses Neo4j and PDM

The 5-Minute Interview: Dr. Andreas Weber, Semantic PDM Consultant, Schleich

For this week's 5-Minute Interview, I chatted with Dr. Andreas Weber, the former Vice President of Operations at Schleich and now an independent semantic PDM consultant in Germany. I caught up with Dr. Weber at GraphConnect Europe. Here's what we discussed: Talk to me about how you used... read more