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Watch Caleb Jones’ Presentation on How Route Interstellar Voyages Using a Neo4j Graph

Using Neo4j to Take Us to the Stars

Editor’s Note: Last October at GraphConnect San Francisco, Caleb Jones – Software Engineer and Blogger at AllThingsGraphed.com – delivered this presentation on how to route interstellar voyages using Neo4j. For more videos from GraphConnect SF and to register for GraphConnect Europe, check... read more

Learn How devRant Built a Community for Developers Using Neo4j for Their Backend Database

A Community for Developers: Building devRant with Neo4j [Community Post]

As a software engineer, I’ve always enjoyed discussing technology with like-minded devs who could offer alternate perspectives. And, like many engineers, I have moments where I really want to rant to an audience about an infuriating encounter I just had with tech or a project I’m working... read more

For RDBMS Devs: Learn How to Connect to a Graph Database Using Various Language Drivers for Neo4j

RDBMS & Graphs: Drivers for Connecting to a Graph Database

Up to this point in this blog series, we’ve covered graph databases in general, only using Neo4j when examples were required. However, when it comes to connecting your application to a graph database, specifics are essential. In this RDBMS & Graphs blog series, we’ll explore how relational... read more

Learn How to Build a Personalized Recommendation Engine for Fitness Programs & Nutritional Supplements

Shaping Up a Fitness Program Recommendation Engine & More [Community Post]

The new year has come and gone, along with the first quarter, and likely all our resolutions to workout and get in shape. If any of you are like me, you may be feeling that about this time, but I’m here to propose that there may be hope. Just maybe, with the right personalization of a... read more

Goodbye, Anders Nawroth

Goodbye Anders

Dear Reader, In many open source communities, people join and leave, but only seldomly is someone ripped from our midst. With great sadness we have to accept, that our friend and colleague Anders Nawroth passed away last weekend. All our thoughts are with his amazing wife, his son and the... read more

See the Winners of the Neo4j 2015-2016 Winter GraphGist Challenge with Winners in Several Categories

The Graph Is Strong with This One: GraphGist Challenge Winners!

Last December, we announced the Neo4j Winter GraphGist Challenge. We invited our global graphista community to document and explain how various types of data could be modeled in a graph, using the GraphGist tool. We had dozens of fantastic entries, and today I'm excited to announce the winners,... read more