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Learn How to Build a Turing Machine via Tree Graphs of Code in This Series on Microservices

An Automated Market of Cypher-Annotated Microservices, Part 4 [Community Post]

In this article we’ll see how programming can be understood, practiced and automated like a game of building tree graphs. We’ll look at the basic programming actions involving the manipulations of tree graphs, populating the nodes, and identifying nodes that can be expanded to add... read more

Learn Why Relational Databases (RDBMS) Aren’t Enough to Tackle Today’s Connected Data Challenges

RDBMS & Graphs: Why Relational Databases Aren’t Always Enough

Relational databases are powerful tools. Since the 80s, they have been the power-horse of most software applications and continue to do so today. Relational databases (RDBMS) were initially designed to codify paper forms and tabular structures, and they do that exceedingly well. For the right... read more

Catch This Week’s 5-Minute Interview with Bert Spaan, Space/Time Directory Engineer at the New York Public Library

The 5-Minute Interview: Bert Spaan, New York Public Library

For this week’s 5-Minute Interview, I got to sit down with Bert Spaan, the Space/Time Directory Engineer at the New York Public Library. Bert just moved from Amsterdam to New York and is a member of the New York City Neo4j Meetup Group. Q: Talk to me about your projects with Neo4j. What are... read more

Learn Everything You Need to Know for Successful Graph Data Modeling in This Webinar by Mark Needham

Everything You Need to Know for Graph Data Modeling Success

It’s the new year, and you’ve just started your next app or side project. After spending some time thinking through your use cases and end user experience, you recognize how important data storage will be. Several concerns come to mind. The first is that the sheer volume of your data is... read more

Watch Mark Needham and Petra Selmer’s Presentation on How To Develop Effective Queries with Cypher

Tuning Your Cypher: Tips & Tricks for More Effective Queries

Editor’s Note: Last October at GraphConnect San Francisco, Petra Selmer and Mark Needham – Engineers at Neo Technology – delivered this presentation on how to develop effective queries with Cypher. For more videos from GraphConnect SF and to register for GraphConnect Europe, check out... read more

Learn about Date Night: A Movie Recommendation Engine Powered by Neo4j

Date Night: Never Disagree on a New Movie Again (with Neo4j) [Community Post]

Have you ever spent so much time trying to decide what movie to watch that you don’t end up watching anything at all? You and your significant other sit down on the couch and the negotiations begin immediately. You open with a sequel to a movie you both liked, but your partner counters that... read more