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Discover What’s New with Spring Data Neo4j 4 in This New 4.0.0.RC2 Release

The Spring Data Neo4j 4.0.0.RC2 Release Is Here!

Today, we would like to announce the release of Spring Data Neo4j 4.0.0.RC2. The Neo4j OGM framework on which it is based is also in its second version, 1.1.1 As we get closer to general availability, we’re happy to report that a lot of progress has been made on stabilizing version... read more

Discover Why an RDBMS Is Sabotaging Your Database Query Performance

Don’t Let an RDBMS Sabotage Your Query Performance

It’s true that relational databases have their perfect use cases. For consistent, tabular data whose schema rarely changes, an RDBMS solution might be the perfect fit. But what about if your data is highly interconnected? Or if your database schema is regularly changed and updated as your... read more

Learn How Graph Databases Are Being Used for the Greater Global Good in This GraphConnect Preview

Graph Databases for the Greater Global Good [GraphConnect Preview]

As we put the finishing touches on the GraphConnect San Francisco agenda, I’ve noticed a heart-warming trend I’d like to share with you. Several of the speakers scheduled for the conference on October 21st will describe how they use graph database technology to make the world a better place.... read more

Learn Why Graphs Are Essential To Your Master Data Management in This NoSQL Now! Preview Post

Why Graphs Are Essential To Today’s Master Data Management [NoSQL Now! Preview]

Rapid change is the only constant in today’s business environment. The limitations of traditional tools used for information and master data management (MDM) are increasingly exposed, and the graph database is a solution to many of these challenges and presents a new, unique way to improve on... read more

Learn the Priceless Value of an Internship at Neo Technology

Why Neo Technology Is Your Best Choice for an Internship

If you asked me a year ago what kind of internship I hoped to have during the summer before my last year of college, my answer would be drastically different than it is today. A year ago, I would have quickly mentioned the names of the Big Three consulting firms, some tech giants and some large... read more