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Celebrate the 1000th Neo4j Certified Professional and learn how you can become Neo4j certified as well

Achievement Unlocked:
1,000 Neo4j Certified Professionals

In January 2016 we launched the first-ever Neo4j Certification for professionals so that Neo4j experts could prove their know-how, and this week saw the 1000th person pass the test. The 1000th person to pass the test was Gábor Szárnyas, our Featured Community Member of 17th... read more

Learn how Russian trolls used Twitter to influence U.S. elections and how Neo4j was used to detect them

The Story behind Russian Twitter Trolls: How They Got Away with Looking Human – and How to Catch Them in the Future

It's no secret that Russian operatives used Twitter and other social media platforms in attempt to influence the most recent U.S. presidential election cycle with fake news. The question most people aren't asking is: How did they do it? More importantly: How can governments and social media... read more

Learn about the March 2018 release of the APOC library of user-defined procedures and functions built for Neo4j Desktop

What’s Waiting for You in the Latest Release of the APOC Library [March 2018]

The last release of APOC library was just before GraphConnect New York, and in the meantime quite a lot of new features made their way into our little standard library. We also crossed 500 GitHub stars, thanks everyone for giving us a nod! What's New in the Latest APOC Release Image:... read more

Learn how the Neo4j graph database (vs. a triple store) performs as a reasonable RDF reasoning engine

Neo4j: A Reasonable RDF Graph Database & Reasoning Engine [Community Post]

It is widely known that Neo4j is able to load and write RDF. Until now, RDF – and certainly OWL – reasoning have been attributed to fully fledged triple stores or dedicated reasoning engines only. This post shows that Neo4j can be extended by a unique reasoning technology to deliver a very... read more

Learn about the complex challenges and problems of personal data when it comes to GDPR compliance

GDPR Compliance: The Challenges and Problems with Personal Data

European Union regulators are dead serious about protecting the privacy of their citizens’ personal data. The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) that take effect on 25 May 2018 apply to all EU and foreign organizations handling personal data of EU residents. They mandate strict... read more