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Explore the Neo4j Graph Database community on GitHub using the power of Neo4j graph visualization

Going Meta: Exploring the Neo4j Graph Database…as a Graph

The graph data model is inherently visual. Try explaining a graph to someone new. You’ll inevitably draw a picture, or wave your hands around to convey what you mean by ‘nodes… links…. and more nodes’. People think in graphs, and they interpret graph intelligence visually. That’s what... read more

Learn how Neo4j is used for product recommendations and personalized promotions in the retail sector

Retail & Neo4j: Personalized Promotion & Product Recommendations

Today’s retailers face a number of complex and emerging challenges. Thanks to lower overhead and higher volume, online behemoths like Amazon can deliver products faster and at a lower price, driving smaller retailers out of business. In order to compete, retailers need a new approach –... read more

Learn about Neo4j and GRANDstack, including news from the GraphQL Summit and a new challenge

Neo4j & GRANDstack at GraphQL Summit [+Developer Challenge]

The Neo4j Developer Relations team is tasked with making sure developers can build applications backed by Neo4j using their favorite technologies. One technology we’ve been really excited about recently is GraphQL. GraphQL is a relatively new paradigm for building APIs. You can learn more... read more

Learn about the alpha release of Cypher for Apache Spark™ making Cypher available for analytics

Cypher – the SQL for Graphs – Is Now Available for Apache Spark

In case you missed it at GraphConnect New York: The Neo4j team has announced the public alpha release of Cypher for Apache Spark™. We’ve been building Cypher for Apache Spark for over a year now and have donated it to the openCypher project under an Apache 2.0 license, allowing for external... read more

Learn all about the 3.3 General Availability (GA) release of the Neo4j Graph Database

Neo4j Graph Database 3.3 Release: Everything You Need to Know

As part of the Neo4j Graph Platform announced at GraphConnect New York last week, we are excited to announce the general availability release of the Neo4j Graph Database version 3.3. At the heart of the Graph Platform is the native graph database itself, which has a number of release-defining... read more