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This Week in Neo4j – Reddit AMA, Neo4j OGM, Reddcoin Graph, Graph Based Machine Learning

Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days. This week we have a Reddit AMA on Russian Twitter Trolls, Machine Learning with Graph Databases, a Reddcoin Graph, and more. The Neo4j GraphTour visits... read more

Catch this week’s 5-Minute Interview with Ashley Sun, Software Engineer at LendingClub

DevOps on Graphs:
The 5-Minute Interview with Ashley Sun, Software Engineer at LendingClub

"Basically, anything you can think of in your infrastructure, whether it's GitHub, Jenkins, AWS, load balancers, Cisco UCS, vCenter – it's all in our graph database," said Ashley Sun, Software Engineer at LendingClub. DevOps at LendingClub is no easy feat: Due to the complexities and... read more

Read part two of this interview on the field of network science and how it's changing everything

Network Science: The Hidden Field behind Machine Learning, Economics and Genetics That You’ve (Probably) Never Heard of – An Interview with Dr. Aaron Clauset [Part 2]

Last week, in part one of my interview with Dr. Aaron Clauset, we reviewed how network science was evolving and how it's dismantling preconceived notions about networks in general. Clauset also stressed the crucial role of interdisciplinary collaboration when it comes to network science. Dr.... read more

This Week in Neo4j – NBC Russian Twitter Trolls, Spring Boot, GRAND stack

Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days. This week we have a sandbox to play around with NBC’s Russian Twitter Trolls dataset, modelling Pentaho ETL jobs and flights with Neo4j, a Python Cypher... read more

Read this interview on the hidden field of network science and how it's revolutionizing everything

Network Science: The Hidden Field behind Machine Learning, Economics and Genetics That You’ve (Probably) Never Heard of – An Interview with Dr. Aaron Clauset [Part 1]

I recently had the opportunity to combine work and pleasure and meet with Dr. Aaron Clauset, an expert on network science, data science and complex systems. In 2016, Clauset won the Erdos-Renyi Prize in Network Science but you might be more familiar with his earlier research into power-laws, link... read more

Learn how Neo4j enables retail IT organizations to efficiently address network and IT management

Retail & Neo4j: Network & IT Management for Retailers

In order to re-invent the value chain from linear to circular and highly connected, retailers need to modernize their IT infrastructure rapidly and cost-effectively. In addition, web-based retailers must find a way to handle scale and sophistication to remain competitive. After all, Amazon –... read more