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Watch Lorenzo Speranzoni's presentation on the new Couchbase connector and JDBC driver for Neo4j 3.x

Couchbase & JDBC Integrations for Neo4j 3.x

Editor's Note: This presentation was given by Lorenzo Speranzoni at GraphConnect Europe in April 2016. Here's a quick review of what he covered: Converting JSON documents into nodes Couchbase integration architecture How the JDBC driver makes use of the Bolt binary protocol in... read more

Learn how and why to migrate or sync a subset of your data between Oracle RDBMS and Neo4j

Oracle RDBMS + Neo4j: Migrate or Sync a Subset of Data

There are several ways that Neo4j can work with Oracle RDBMS (or any other RDBMS). The approach you take depends on what your enterprise is trying to achieve. In this Neo4j and Oracle blog series, we'll explore how these two database technologies work together in tandem to deliver the best... read more

Catch this week's 5-minute interview with David Meza, Chief Knowledge Architect at NASA

The 5-Minute Interview: David Meza, Chief Knowledge Architect, NASA

For this week's 5-Minute Interview, I chatted with David Meza, Chief Knowledge Architect at NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston. I caught up with David at GraphConnect San Francisco. Here's what we talked about: Tell us a little bit about how you use Neo4j at NASA. David Meza:... read more

See all the great articles and content from the Neo4j community published in October 2016

From the Neo4j Community: October 2016

October was a big month for the Neo4j community – not only was there GraphConnect San Francisco (catch video recordings here), but also the beta launch of Neo4j 3.1. Beyond that, the Neo4j community was doing what it does best – being awesome and creating cool projects like the ones featured... read more

The CDC data provides a variety of food characteristics that can easily be displayed as a graph

Who Cares What Beyoncé Ate for Lunch?

Editor's Note: This presentation was given by Alicia Powers at GraphConnect Europe in April 2016. Here's a quick review of what she covered: The global obesity epidemic How to verify your data model The key components of a recommendation engine How a recommendation engine can change eating... read more

Discover three advantages of using the Neo4j graph database with existing Oracle RDBMS technology

3 Advantages of Using Neo4j Alongside Oracle RDBMS

The rising popularity of graph databases is a trend that developers and data architects can no longer ignore. At the same time, well-established relational database management systems (RDBMS) like Oracle aren't going anywhere soon. Oracle RDBMS is the backbone of millions of enterprise... read more