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Tim Nash Explains How to More Efficiently Query Custom Post Types in WordPress Using Neo4j

Giving WordPress Some Relationship Advice with Neo4j [Community Post]

Ever wondered how to make WordPress even more powerful when it comes to custom post types? Ever struggled to query how different custom post types were related to one another? In this week's community post, Tim Nash shows you how to use Neo4j to give WordPress relationship advice. So, how do... read more

First-Hand Help at the GraphClinic at GraphConnect Europe Sponsored by Neo4j

From the Community: May 2015

May was a busy month for the Neo4j community. Not only was there GraphConnect Europe, but graphistas across the globe were busy writing loads of community contributions about Neo4j. Follow us on Twitter to see more posts from our amazing community and tag us using the #Neo4j hashtag if you want... read more

Solution Architectural Diagram of Polyglot Persistence for Wanderu between Neo4j and MongoDB

Polyglot Persistence Case Study: Wanderu + Neo4j + MongoDB

Every language and data storage solution has its strengths. After all, no single solution is most performant and cost-effective for every possible task in your application. In order to tap into the varying strengths of different data storage solutions, your application needs to take advantage of... read more

Learn More About The Neo4j 2.3 Milestone 2 Release

New on Neo4j: The Neo4j 2.3.0 Milestone 2 Release Is Here

If you haven’t heard already, the Neo4j 2.3 Milestone 2 release is now available. (Full disclosure: This milestone release is for development and experimentation only since not all features are in their finalized form. Click here to download the fully stable version of Neo4j 2.2.2.) As we... read more

GraphHack Day Berlin

GraphHack Day Spending a whole day, a whopping 12 hours in total with people interested in learning Neo4j makes me a happy person. This year we returned to our favorite Space Station in Berlin c-base to host the Neo4j GraphHack-Day co-hosted with Berlin Buzzwords . Thanks... read more