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Why 20 Women Gathering in the Swedish Mountains Might Just Change the World

As a Swedish Generation Xer, I was brought up in the spirit that men and women were created equal, and that gender differences were a social construct that was out of fashion. In Senior High, my technology teacher warned us girls that we should be prepared for difficult times as female engineers; I... read more

Discover how Telia Zone uses Neo4j for their connected home platform.

Telia Zone: Scaling Neo4j to Millions of Homes with Kubernetes

Editor’s Note: This presentation was given by Rickard Damm and Lars Ericsson at GraphConnect Europe in May 2017. Presentation Summary Telia Zone is the Telia company’s router, which is used in approximately one million homes in Sweden. Telia uses Neo4j with Kubernetes to connect to all of... read more

Learn the basics of data modeling in addition to why it matters (like a lot) which data model you choose

Graph Databases for Beginners: The Basics of Data Modeling

For six-ish months of my life, I was a database developer. Starting out, the first thing I learned was data modeling. Our team was using a relational database (RDBMS), specifically MySQL (we later switched to Postgres). Like a lot of backend developers at the time, we didn't intentionally choose... read more

Different your solutions to achieve next-generation service assurance.

The Next Generation of Service Assurance: Differentiating Your Solution

Successful companies are embracing next-generation service assurance that leverages a comprehensive, real-time view of services and infrastructure with an eye on end-user experiences, new service creation and predictive modeling. But to compete in today’s market, communication service... read more

This Week in Neo4j – Moving Adobe Behance from Cassandra to Neo4j, New Go Driver, Emil on The New Stack Makers Podcast

Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days. This week David Fox explains how his team at Adobe moved from a 48 instance Cassandra cluster to a 3 instance Neo4j one, Emil is interviewed on The New Stack... read more

Check out this 5-minute interview with Peter Visser on graph databases and metadata.

Metadata for Real People: 5-Minute Interview with Pieter Visser, Solutions Architect at the University of Washington

With metadata, everything's connected. That's what makes it interesting, said Pieter Visser, Solutions Architect at the University of Washington (at the time of the interview). At the University of Washington, the IT team serving the business tried more than one tool to provide end users with a... read more