Featured Post

This Week in Neo4j – Property Based Access Control, Intro to Cypher, User Path Analysis

Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days. This week we have a sneak peak at property based access control in Neo4j 3.4, user path analysis with Snowplow analytics, resources to get started with the Cypher... read more

Learn more about the Pypher library that allows you to express Cypher queries in pure Python

Now You Can Express Cypher Queries in Pure Python using Pypher [Community Post]

Cypher is a pretty cool language. It allows you to easily manipulate and query your graph in a familiar – but at the same time – unique way. If you're familiar with SQL, mixing in Cypher's ASCII node and relationship characters becomes second nature, allowing you to be very productive early... read more

Learn about the Neo4j Browser for your iPhone or iPad built using the Swift programming language

Graph Gopher: The Neo4j Browser Built on Swift for Your iOS Device [Community Post]

Graph Gopher is a Neo4j browser for iPhone that was recently released to the App Store. Graph Gopher lets you interact natively with your Neo4j graphs through easy browsing and quick entry for new nodes and relationships. It gives you a full Cypher client at your fingertips and fast editing of... read more

This Week in Neo4j – JavaScript CRUD Apps, Personalised Recommendation Engines, Graph Theory Tutorial

Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days. This week we’ve got real time food and event recommendation engines, a JavaScript OGM, a Neo4j Operational Dashboard, and more! Featured Community... read more

Learn how to work with both Neo4j and RDKit for the Google Summer of Code in 2018.

Integrate Neo4j with RDKit for the Google Summer of Code [2018]

We'll get straight to the point: We're looking for a student willing to participate to Google Summer of Code to develop a integration of RDKit into Neo4j. The project will be supported by one of the largest chemistry companies of the world, one of the main developers of RDKit and Neo4j,... read more

Knoten auf der Achterbahn – Neo4j beim Javaland Brühl

In diesem Jahr wird Neo4j in gleich 6 Vorträgen und Workshops von 7 Neo4j-Kennern beim JavaLand in Brühl vertreten sein. Es gibt also viel Gelegenheit, die Vielseitigkeit von Graphdatenbanken an praktischen Beispielen kennenzulernen und dem anwesenden Experten all Eure Fragen zu... read more