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Learn about how to use Neo4j for fraud prevention in this five-minute overview video and blog post

Fraud Prevention with Neo4j: A 5-Minute Overview

Fraud is becoming increasingly difficult to discover and prevent as fraudsters are increasingly employing complex techniques and advanced technologies to perpetrate fraud. Who Are Today's Fraudsters? Today, fraudsters are organized in groups, possess synthetic or manufactured... read more

Learn what's on the 2017 agenda for GraphConnect Europe happening on 11th May 2017 in London

GraphConnect Europe Agenda: Everything You Need to Know [2017 Edition]

You already have all the reasons you should attend GraphConnect Europe and now you know who the top 10 presenters will be, but now it's time for the easiest selling point of all: the bottom-to-top agenda of all the keynotes, presentations and lightning talks you can attend at Europe's graph... read more

Learn how to use GORM, Groovy and Spring Boot for object mapping in Neo4j

Neo4j Object Mapping with GORM, Groovy and Spring Boot [Community Post]

Mapping object models to the Neo4j graph in languages such as Java and Groovy may be immensely convenient when developing your application, but has the danger of obfuscating the power of Neo4j. With the recently released GORM for Neo4j 6.1 at OCI, the home of the core Grails team, we built a... read more

Discover how Mativy Neo4j tracks and stores task history

Mativy Task Delegation System using Neo4j

Editor's Note: This presentation was given by Miha Žagar at GraphConnect Europe in April 2016. Here's a quick review of what he covered: Using ants to develop an efficient task delegation model What the delegation system looks like under the hood Why Neo4j? – What we’re going to... read more

Learn more about query management and security event logging in Neo4j Enterprise Edition

Query Management & Security Event Logging in Neo4j Enterprise [Security Series, Part 4]

No matter the size or scope of your graph database, it's vital to maintain secure control of your data and to keep a record of security events. Starting in Neo4j 3.1 and all future releases, users will have increased control over database query management (with particular emphasis on admin... read more